Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Edible Herb Garden or Welsh Heritage Food and Cooking

The Edible Herb Garden

Author: Rosalind Creasy

Explore the world of fragrant and savory herbs and get tips on how to grow them abundantly. Learn how to use herbs in cooking as well as in blends, herbed oils and vinegars, and even herb-flavored vodka! Includes interviews with Carole Saville, an herb specialist, and Rose Marie Nichols McGee, an herb gardener.

Rosalind Creasy, a resident of Los Altos, California, is a landscape designer and leading authority on appropriate gardening techniques as well as a widely published garden writer and popular lecturer. Creasy specializes in residential landscapes that include edible, native, and drought-tolerant plants. She is a winner of the Garden Writers of America's award for excellence, and her articles have appeared in Organic Gardening, Family Circle, Woman's Day, Country Living Gardener, and Horticulture magazines. In addition to Cooking from the Garden, Creasy is the author of Earthly Delights: Twelve Distinctive Theme Gardens, The Gardener's Handbook of Edible Plants and a book for young gardeners, Blue Potatoes, Orange Tomatoes. Her Complete Book of Edible Landscaping received a Garden Writers Association of America's award and has become a contemporary gardening classic.

Library Journal

A plethora of herb gardening and cooking books is available, some by Creasy herself. But if your collection needs a new one, this work, combining gardening information with recipes, is recommended. The price is a bargain for an attractive, well-designed package with over 70 color photographs and illustrations. Included are sections on growing herbs and designing an herb garden. An appendix addresses pest and disease control, and there is a selection of recipes using fresh herbs. The heart of the book, though, is the "Encyclopedia of Culinary Herbs: From Angelica to Thyme." Here each plant is pictured in color with text explaining how to grow and prepare it. Both Creasy and the "Edible Garden" series are well regarded; Creasy's The Complete Book of Edible Landscaping (LJ 5/1/82) was named one of the 75 Great American Garden Books by the American Horticultural Society. Her new book is a visual treat that also offers useful, well-organized, and well-presented information.--Carol Cubberley, Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg

New interesting book: Indian Summer or Alice

Welsh Heritage Food and Cooking

Author: Annette Yates

Capture the tastes and traditions with over 75 easy-to-follow recipes and 250 stunning photographs, including step-by-step instructions.

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