Friday, January 9, 2009

The Vegetarian Factfinder or Quick And Easy Pasta Revised

The Vegetarian Factfinder

Author: Ellen Klavan

"Mom, I think I want to become a vegetarian. But will that really help save the rain forest?" More and more children are asking such questions. The Vegetarian Factfinder defines vegetarianism and discusses why people choose such a lifestyle. The author describes the history of the vegetarian movement and the different types of vegetarian diets. Children discuss their decision not to eat meat and offer guidelines for getting along with parents and for living in a meat-eating culture. Up-to-date information on nutrition is included, as well as photos, full-color illustrations, a timeline, a map, and a chart. Teachers and librarians will find The Vegetarian Factfinder explores many topics that are part of elementary and middle school curricula.

Publishers Weekly

diet for small people on a small planet Ellen Klavan's Vegetarian Factfinder, illus. by Adrienne Hartman, explores such issues as why some people become vegetarians and how vegetarians stay healthy. Short biographies of famous vegetarians, including Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein and John Harvey Kellogg (the inventor of cornflakes) fit vegetarianism into the history of ideas.

Interesting book: Joomla Template Design or Adobe Dreamweaver CS3

Quick And Easy Pasta, Revised

Author: Coleen Simmons

This Bristol classic cookbook has been extensively revised and updated for modern kitchens. Pasta is one of America's favorite dishes because it has a whole range of advantages: it is wholesome, healthy, easy to prepare, and full of variety. In Quick and Easy Pasta Recipes you'll find recipes for pasta with seasonal vegetables, fast sauces, inventive salad combinations, new twists on baked pasta dishes and directions for homemade pasta and ravioli. Also revised and updated is information about the best types of pasta, cheeses, tomatoes and olive oil.

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